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Auction Talk Radio - what's the story of your stuff?

Welcome to Auction Talk Radio

Auction Talk Radio is intended to be America's first radio show dedicated to auctions, collectibles and eBay. If you are an eBay enthusiast, a garage sale junkie, an antique lover, or just simply want to know what your old stuff is worth, you won't want to miss this show. We were recently guests on KNX Radio here in L.A. and may soon hit the airwaves where you live. Welcome to our website!


Quixotic Man Auctions Possessions to Fund Quest

Man leaves 'hum of computers' for journey of self-discovery

It's the kind of existential decision that would have made Cervantes muy orgulloso. A Pennsylvania man has decided to quit the 9-5 grind and head out on a journey of self-discovery.

To fund his Quixotic quest, 24-year-old Kevin Boyle told The Pocono Record that he is selling nearly everything he owns, "save for a car, some clothes and a few sentimental items," on eBay.

So what prompted this flight of wanderlust?

One day, sitting in his office cubicle, Boyle told the paper that as he listened to his computer hum he knew he needed to do something about a life he says was "directionless."

"I'm unhappy. I want to start over. I want to drive around the country for 180 days. I see this as the only option for making that dream a reality."

Among the items for sale as one lot on eBay are a Toshiba flat-screen television, an aluminum Christmas tree, 1959 World's Fair salt and pepper shakers, and an Astroturf sample book.

Modest enough, but his ambitions for the possessions he says he loves are high: the minimum bid is $6,000.

"I hope to realize something in the 180 days," he told the paper. "But even if I discover nothing, at least I had 180 days where I did exactly what I wanted."

So far ATR has been unable to locate this auction on eBay. Taking a cue from Boyle, we'll go searching, but not so much that we notice the hum of our computers.


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